The global crisis is currently making a lot of people feel insecure. There is a strain on the environment and the future is uncertain for many. Not a good time, you may think. But as values change so does our society, and we at LIFESTYLEHOTELS believe that the current situation also offers great opportunities and positive aspects. Imitations are being replaced by true innovations. Quality is no longer just a matter of packaging or labels, but of the ability to retain value. “Eco-friendly” is no longer just a buzzword but a real part of our lives. Many of our hotels have recognised this for quite some time.

The term “lifestyle” has become hackneyed as a result of overuse in the past. But we have always understood it as a style of living that defines itself through innovation, aesthetics, quality and a sense of responsibility for others and the environment. Our hotels are selected according to these criteria and precisely reflect our concept of “lifestyle”.

LIFESTYLEHOTELS – individual & stylish.
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